Beauty is an inner phenomenon and a glowing skin is the reflection of the same. A healthy and glowing face not only adds charm to your personality but also reflects how healthy you are. A beautiful person is consistently evaluated in a positive light.
1. Begin your day with a glass of lukewarm water and stay hydrated throughout the day to flush out toxins from your system.
2. Stay sun protected. Do not skip the sunscreen and apply it 20 minutes before stepping out in the sun.
3. Follow a cleansing-toning-moisturizing routine.
4. Make sure to remove every speck of make-up and moisturize well before going to bed.
5. I believe what is inside will reflect outisde so think positive. The less I do to my skin, the better it stays.
6. Don't change your cosmetics brand too often and make sure to load up on green leafy veggies and fresh fruits. A healthy diet gives the skin that glow.
7. You can also go in for a deep cleansing treatment and hair spa once a month.
8. You can wrap ice cubes in a thin muslin or tissue and gently place them on your cheeks and eyes to get rid of puffiness and maintain a healthy glow.
9. You can go for home made beauty treatments from time to time apart from the regular cleansing regime for a healthy skin.
10. Regular exercise nourishes your skin and brings more blood flow and oxygen to it. Workouts six days a week, balanced mealsand adequate sleep will help you stay healthy and get a beautiul skin.
Beauty is not just skin deep yet our skin is one of the most visible expressions of our beauty and the beauty in the heart reflects as naturally as radiance and a glow on a person’s face.